Translated 13/07/2023, view original
Yesterday we had the last guests before closing the hotel for a short while. Now we all have a little more than 2 weeks of vacation before reopening the hotel for the high season. Hopefully the weather is gonna be great then🤞. We are currently heading south, on the way back to Denmark.
We left the hotel at 7:30, course set for Oslo where Klaes and I are catching a back to Denmark at 3pm. Luckily we are getting a ride from a colleague, so we don’t have to take the bus. If everything goes according to plan, we should arrive in Frederikshavn at about 1am where my father should be waiting to pick us up and drive the rest of the way.
When I get home, I have to fix the last things on the car, and then I have to pack everything for going back. I am expecting this to last a couple of days. I have also planned a short vacation in France and Switzerland with one of my colleagues from the hotel which I am really looking forward to.